Have you been wondering how to get rid of pesky birds for a while now? If so, you’re in luck as this month’s blog will give you all the information needed to ensure your garden, workplace or property is no longer ridden with birds. Take a look at the following steps and hopefully, birds will no longer bother you!

What actually attracts the birds?
- Nesting Spots: Most people think that birds only nest in wooded areas. However, many birds prefer to settle in properties that provide them with warmth and protection, especially during the bitter Winter season. As well as this, birds search for hidden and sealed areas to nest; making it harder for predators to reach them. Therefore, buildings are a perfect place to settle, as many predators prefer to live in farm and woodland.
- Stable Food and Water Source: Naturally, this will attract birds as they are constantly seeking places that have a secure food and water source. You may not know it, but this is one of the biggest incentives that encourages birds to nest, in and around your property. Unfortunately you cannot prevent rain from soaking your turf and providing birds with a drink and an easy meal, such as digging up worms. Alternatively, any seed-based plants that you have grown on your property, will eventually need removing as birds will continue to feast on them.
- Littering: Similar to food, birds will also be drawn to the extensive smells of your litter and trash! If they know that rubbish is dropped at a certain place on a regular basis, they are automatically going to want to plot themselves there for the time being. The reduction of rubbish will ultimately result in a decrease of unsightly droppings, intense noise and unwanted nuisances.
Expert Advice that is sure to scare your pests away!
Want a permanent solution to get rid of bothersome birds? Read on to hear our simple, yet effective tips, that are sure to help you out!
- Bin It: Even if you can’t find a bin but have some rubbish you would like to get rid of, there is a simple solution. Put a plastic carrier bag in your hand bag and when you have some rubbish, place it in there and dispose of it when you find the nearest bin. It may sound obvious, but you will be amazed by the difference.
- Visual Deterrents: Birds respond to a given stimulus in a different way to humans. They have binocular vision meaning they focus on one specific object at a time. Some of the most common products used to discourage birds include: Decoy Birds of Prey, Hawk Kites and Reflective Tape. Once a problem has been brought to your attention, immediate installation must take place to ensure a rate of success.
- Audible Deterrents: A Birds hearing is highly sensitive, ranging from 1 kHz to 4 kHz, so it is important to make sure that the devices used will reach this range. Birds have an acute sound recognition, allowing them to detect the pitch and tone of predators. Our devices can be used to threaten and alarm your pests, simply by mimicking the sounds of predators.
- Devices we install: Here at iPC Bird Control, we offer a cost effective and simple service delivering significant results. Some of our more popular devices include: pigeon spikes, pigeon netting and anti-roost wires, however there are many more services we offer. We recommend having these installed for you to guarantee success with repelling these infuriating creatures.
How to Keep them away
When you combine all these tips and tricks into one massive action plan, you can be sure that you no longer need to worry about these irritating creatures causing an annoyance. However, to ensure these birds stay away, you need to make sure you take a zero-tolerance approach when dealing with and tackling the problems people face with birds.
We can help you with this by providing a high-quality and professional service – our experts are specially trained in Bird Pest Control. If you are interested in a fast, affordable yet extremely efficient bird control service, then enquire today!
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