Snakebite – Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms that develop from snakebites may vary in severity based on the type and amount of venom injected. Chronic medical conditions, medications, and age may increase sensitivity to the effects of venom and worsen outcomes. Due to the complexity of snake venom components, the victim of a venomous snakebite may exhibit a combination of clinical manifestations ranging from localized tissue damage to life-threatening systemic effects.
- Pain/burning sensation at the bite site that progresses away from the bite site.
- Increased bleeding and bruising
- Dizziness
- Blurry Vision
- Increased sweating
- Difficulty breathing
- Tingling/numbness around the mouth
- Nausea and vomiting
- Paleness and feeling cold
- Decreased consciousness
- Paralysis
- Cardiovascular system collapse
- Coma
- Death
How to Prevent Venomous SnakeBites
What To Do:
- Be aware of your surrounding environment.
- If you encounter any snake, do NOT handle it (most bites occur when humans try to catch or kill venomous snakes) – Leave the snake alone and notify other workers of the snake’s location and description.
- Do NOT disregard the bites of small or juvenile venomous snakes. They are born equipped with venom that is just as potent as adult venomous snakes.
- Wear appropriate PPE and protective clothing such as snake-proof boots, leather gloves, and long pants when working outdoors.
- Wear leather gloves and use tools to move brush piles, leaves, wood, metal, and debris by lifting the far side toward you as this creates a barrier between the worker and any venomous snakes.
- Be aware that snakes are more active in warm weather and at night.
- Make noise as snakes will tend to avoid it (while snakes do not have external ears, they are equipped with an inner ear that can feel vibrations from noise, e.g. footsteps, voices).
What to Do If You or a Coworker Are Bitten
- Move the bitten person away from striking distance of the snake.
- Call emergency, Always treat snakebites as an emergency!
- Restrict movement and keep the bite area below the heart. Movement and elevation of the bite area above the heart will increase the heart rate and the rate at which the venom moves through the body.
- If possible, wash the bite area with soap and water as soon as possible.
- Cover wound with clean, dry bandage.
What NOT to Do
- Do not wait to seek immediate medical attention if bitten.
- Do not attempt to capture or kill the snake.
- Do not apply ice to the bite area.
- Do not immerse in water or other liquids.
- Do not cut bite wounds and/or attempt to suck out the venom.
- Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages.
We hope that this blog will increase awareness and knowledge about the risk that venomous snakes can pose to outdoor workers for the best and final call will be the fast but if you need professional solution, IPC is always here to provide complete solution.

BUYBLOCKER SNAKE DETER repel snakes from your backyard, garden, parks, farm made from essentials oils. with it’s unique blend of ingredients, this product helps trigger escape/avoidance behavior in snakes. Snakes use their sense of smell as they hunt for food. This product provides a powerful scent/taste repellent that snakes find unpleasant and which triggers a natural reaction in snakes to leave the area so this product drives snakes away, naturally.
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