A step-by-step guide to getting rid of Bed Bug, as well as prevention solutions to avoid future outbreaks.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast & Permanently
Can you get rid of bedbugs on your own?
You can get rid of bedbugs. Try to be patient, as removing bedbugs often takes some time and effort.
Certain factors can make bedbugs harder to remove. You may have a tougher time ridding your home of them if you have a lot of clutter or you travel often and bring new bedbugs home in your luggage.
If you cannot get rid of them on your own, you may have to call in a professional exterminator like i Pest Control – Best Pest Control Service Provider in Bahrain. Read on for a step-by-step guide on getting rid of bedbugs.
Step 1: Identify all infested areas
If you’ve got bedbugs, you want to find them early before they start to reproduce. It’s much easier and cheaper to treat a small infestation than a big one. But smaller infestations can be harder to detect.
Search for bedbugs yourself or hire a professional to do an inspection.
Bedbugs’ small and narrow bodies enable them to squeeze into tiny spots, like the seams of a mattress or couch and the folds of curtains.
Also, look for them:
- near the tags of the mattress and box spring
- in cracks in the bed frame and headboard
- in baseboards
- between couch cushions
- in furniture joints
- inside electrical outlets
- under loose wallpaper
- underneath paintings and posters on the walls
- in the seam where the wallpaper and ceiling meet
You can spot signs of bedbugs by the following:
- live bedbugs, which are reddish and about 1/4-inch long
- dark spots about the size of a period — these are bedbug droppings
- reddish stains on your mattress from bugs that have been crushed
- small and pale yellow eggs, egg shells, and yellowish skins that young bedbugs shed
Other types of bugs can look a lot like bedbugs. If you’re not sure what type of bug you’ve found, bring it to Pest Control Service Provider.
Step 2: Prep for bedbug treatment
Before you start treating your home, do a little prep work to maximize your odds of success. Make sure all your linens, carpets, drapes, clothing, and other hiding places have been cleaned or thrown out.
Next, get rid of bedbug hiding places:
- Pick up books, magazines, clothes, and anything else that’s lying on your floor and under your bed.
- Do not move items from an infested room to a clean one — you could spread the bugs.
Seal up any open areas:
- Glue down loose wallpaper.
- Caulk cracks in furniture and around baseboards.
- Tape up open electrical outlets.
Finally, move your bed at least 6 inches away from the wall so bedbugs cannot climb on.
Step 3: Kill the bedbugs
Once you’ve cleaned all visible bedbugs, make the area inhospitable for the rest of them. Place bedbug-proof covers over your mattress and box spring. Zip these covers up all the way. Bugs that are trapped inside will die, and new bugs will not be able to get in.
If these methods do not wipe out all the bugs, you may need to try an insecticide.
Nonchemical and chemical treatments
Insecticides can help rid your home of bedbugs. For the best treatment contact i Pest Control.
Step 4: Evaluate and prevent future bedbugs
Bedbugs can take some time to wipe out. Before you can ensure that your treatment has worked, you need proof that the bugs have moved on. Check the infested areas about once every 7 days for signs of activity.
Bedbugs are hardy creatures. Just when you think you’ve wiped them out, you might spot them again. You may have to try a few different treatment methods to control the infestation. And if they still do not go away, you’ll want to call in a professional exterminator.
Step 5: Get the pros involved
If you cannot wipe out bedbugs on your own, it’s time to get the pros involved.
Pest control companies like i Pest Control has the advantage of using chemicals and other treatments that are not available to you. We have insecticides that both kill bugs on contact and that stay inside furniture and cracks to kill bedbugs in the long term.
After each treatment, you may have to stay out of the treated rooms for a few hours until the insecticides have dried.
Step 6: Keep the bedbugs out
Once the bedbugs are gone, you’ll want to make sure they stay gone for good:
- Clear up any clutter. Do not leave papers, magazines, clothes, or other items on the floor.
- Cover your mattress and box spring with a bedbug cover and zip it up all the way.
- Vacuum and wash bedding, furniture, curtains, and carpets often.
- Seal cracks around light sockets, baseboards, and electrical outlets so bedbugs cannot sneak in.
- Check for bedbugs in hotel rooms when you travel to avoid bringing them home with you.
Call us today to schedule a personalized treatment and get rid of the pests in and around your home.
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