As small as they are, mosquitoes are some of planet Earth’s most annoying and deadliest creatures. These pesky little insects are connected to more than one million deaths yearly.
Mosquitoes can carry deadly diseases, it’s so essential for you to prevent mosquito bites. Protect your family by calling i Pest Control.
Mosquito Control and Prevention Tips
Hiring a professional to handle mosquito prevention is always a good idea. Still, there are a few things you can do to help control the pesky creatures and keep them at bay.
Reduce Moisture
Mosquitoes love moisture, so reducing the amount of it and access they have to it can keep them away from your home. You’ll want to fix leaks, ensure the hoses are turned off.
Be sure to check that all rainwater is draining properly and not becoming stagnant on your property.
Make Hiding Places Less Inviting
Like other pests, mosquitoes hide at certain times of the day. Mosquitoes like to hide in the shade to avoid the sunlight. They’ll look for areas in your vegetation and anywhere that can provide them protection.
You can make these areas less inviting by planting vegetation that mosquitoes dislike, such as rosemary, catnip, and citronella grass.
Leaf Clean Up
Raking leaves can be a tedious task, but it’s not something you’ll want to put off. When leaves accumulate on your property, vernal pools can form and attract larger amounts of mosquitoes. Always rake and bag your leaves and get them off your property as soon as possible.
Preventing Mosquito Bites
Here are some helpful tips to help prevent mosquitoes from biting you and your family:
- Eliminate stagnant water where they can breed
- Use a repellent
- Cover your arms and legs when outside, especially in peak mosquito season
- Limit how much time you spend outside between dusk and dawn
- Keep all windows closed or ensure they have intact screens when they’re open so mosquitoes can’t get inside
- Wear light-colored clothing
- Use outdoor fans to keep mosquitoes away
- Limit physical activity outside
- Try to keep your body temperature at a normal level since they’re attracted to elevated body temperatures
Hiring a professional to help target mosquitoes, their eggs, and larvae can help keep you and your family safe. i Pest Control offer treatment options that are not only effective but pet and kid-friendly.
The Bottom-line
Even though mosquitoes might not be your biggest concern when it comes to pests, you shouldn’t take them lightly. Mosquitoes not only create itchiness when they bite but can also carry dangerous diseases, Keep yourself and your family safe by calling i Pest Control to help tackle mosquito control. Before infected mosquitoes bite, give us a call today!
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