- A) Treatment Process:Disinfection and Sanitization Treatments go above and beyond a typical deep clean treatment. i Pest Control professional while sanitizing, a wet mist of disinfection solution is sprayed in a room and allowed to settle on surfaces to start its work. As with any disinfecting and sanitization service, it is important all surfaces are free and clear of clutter, food, paper and any other objects that will not allow our team access to key areas. i Pest Control Professionals focuses on hard to reach areas and high contact locations. By utilizing various methods, this allows the disinfectant to reach the surface promoting a stronger antibacterial and antiviral effect. Before each disinfection and sanitizing treatment we will review our prep sheet describing how to prepare for your treatment.
- B)Treatment Preparation Steps:Remove any materials that could be damaged by moisture in the treatment area; all food items must be removed from areas to be treated; Food containers and utensils should be stored away in cupboards or drawers.
- C)Post Preparation Steps:Any moisture remaining should be dried with a paper towel then disposed of; Rinse any food/drinking containers before use if they were left in exposed areas.
- We are a professional pest control company licensed to carry out all sort of pest control activities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Also, we have acquired a certificate issued by the Civil Defence to carry out disinfection treatment subsequently to the training attended by our pest control professionals. Regarding the chemicals we use, Virux for the Round One and Ecolab 14 Plus for the Round Two are both registered and approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as a disinfectant.